Grid Global Page Size = 50
Back in the early 8.10 and 8.11 days this setting could have a major impact on web performance just due the amount of javascript that used to come down with the grid and the fact that PC's and terminal servers back then would struggle to process it all. These days those issues have long since disappeared so for the convenience of your users we recommend setting this to at least 50. If you leave it at the default you'll find that a lot grids will still only provide the user with the first 10 records on a find.Use ActiveX Controls = False
ActiveX controls are going the way of the dinosaur with Microsoft announcing that Internet Explorer has reached the end of it's life. To enable a consistent experience across multiple browsers this should be set to false. Before doing this though you should be aware of the impacts. Firstly your users won't be able to view Microsoft Office documents directly inside the browser window and also they will not be able to import directly from an Excel file (CSV and copy and paste will still work fine). The other major impact is that all of the text attachments currently in your JDE system will need to be converted to HTML format from RTF. You have two options on how to deal with this. You can let your users convert the text to HTML when they first view it after this setting has been changed or alternatively you can run the batch conversion to do it for them. Our recommendation is that it depends on how many F00165 records you have. If you have been on JDE for a significant amount of time then it is likely you have a large number of text attachments and in all likelihood most of those attachments will never be viewed again. In that case you may choose to just leave them and if users need to view existing attachments they can do the conversion on demand. Details on running the batch conversion can be found in the Oracle documentation.
UBE Content Disposition = False
This basically ensures that if the browser can handle the file type, ie the PDF file, then it will be opened and displayed automatically within the browser rather than having the browser prompt the user to save the file.
That's it, just a couple of simple changes can make the life of the user that little bit better. In our experience, due to the speed that it processes and handles JavaScript and Ajax, we strongly recommend using the Google Chrome browser for JDE as responsiveness is noticeably better than other browsers, especially Internet Explorer.
If you have any other settings that believe improve the user experience then please leave a comment below and I'll look to add them to this post.