Tuesday 12 May 2015

Displaying a Google Map in JD Edwards CafeOne

You've seen plenty of demos of all of the cool things that can be done with CafeOne but where to start. Here's a very simple walk through of enabling CafeOne by putting a Google Map in the Address Book app (P01012) and publishing it to all users.

The first step is to create a publishing entry to enable all of your users to see your published CafeOne element. To do this open P952336, click on add and give the list a name and description. You can then list out the roles or users that can see this content published to this list. In this example I'm allow all users to see CafeOne content so I've set the role to *PUBLIC.

You then need to enable the application for CafeOne. Open P952332 and create two entries to enable the Address Book form W01012A for CafeOne. One for *PUBLIC so that all users can view the content and a second for the role that will be defining the CafeOne page.

You'll note for the role that can publish I've chosen "Allow user to publish to pre-defined Publication List". This is the simplest approach so that you don't have to change the status of layouts once they're saved.

You can now go ahead and define the CafeOne page in the Address Book app. Open P01012 and select a record that has a mailing address specified to open the Address Book Revision form. If everything has been done correctly then you should see the Layout dropdown list on the top right of the form.

Now go to your user menu and you should see the Edit Current Page option at the bottom of the list. Click that to enable you to create a new layout. You should now see two options in the top left of your screen. As we haven't set up any template URL's you'll need to select the Create New Content option.

This will give you a popup with different options depending on your tools release but for 9.1.5 you should see either URL or EnterpriseOne Form. You need to drag the option you want onto the right hand side of the form and then drop it when you have set the appropriate size.  Once you've set the CafeOne frame size you can now enter the details of the URL you wish to show. In this case we'll be using the Google Maps embedded url which is https://maps.google.com/?q=500+Eldorado+Blvd+Broomfield+CO&t=m&z=14&output=embed

You can then give the URL and name and optionally a description. Now select the Dynamic Link URL radio button so that you can specify the URL query parameters based on the content in the form.

The good thing about Google Maps is it is very forgiving in terms of the content you put in the query string. To add values you should select the "q" parameter and change the operation from "remain as" to "is mapped to". At this point you can now add one or more elements from the form to create the query string. In this case I've chosen to add Mailing Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State and Country.

Once you've included all of the values you require you can click the Save icon in the top left of the content editor and you should see the map appear with the address marked with a pin.

The next step is to save the layout by clicking on the Save Layout button in the top right of the screen. In this example we named the layout Address Book Map.

Now it is time to publish the layout to all of the other users. To do this go into the user overrides program P98950 and filter on your user profile and a UO Type of RI. Assuming you haven't created any other layouts you should only see one option.

Select the row and click on the Copy icon in the form toolbar. Enter in the *PUBLIC role on the copy form and click OK. This will effectively publish the layout to all users.

For a user to see the layout they will need to open the Address Book Revisions form and then select the layout from from the drop down list in the top right of the form.

And that's it, you've successfully published Google Maps in your Address Book Revisions form to all JDE users.


  1. Thanks, for helping me. Really IƬve a problem in setting dinamic URL. Static, works only with the example in your document. Dinamic, does'nt work and the form where to put the data, is different ...could be because I get the rt 9.1.4 ...
    Thank you in any case !

  2. If you replace "&t=m" with "&t=h", you'll get the Google Earth view.

  3. I am noticing some odd behavior that in chrome the cursor defaults to the content in a cafe1 page, but in Firefox it is defaulting to the forms. Any idea how to control this? The users clearly would prefer it to default to the forms.
